Our vision for St. Charles CYO is to develop a program that is fair and just to the youth, that teaches good Christian values, builds skills, develops the kids as athletes, and builds self-esteem.
St. Charles CYO provides for the development of young people’s spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, and physical potential. Based on Catholic values, CYO offers guidance to assist young people as they assume responsibility for themselves and for their relationship with their family, peers, and community. The CYO program strives to meet the diverse needs of all our youth.
The CYO program at St. Charles honors a recreational and competitive philosophy. The responsibility for integrating these two aspects of our program is accomplished through the efforts of the coach. The coach is to serve the team with a Youth Ministry Philosophy; more than being a sports technician, the coach is an important role model for young people. In that capacity and above everything else, coaches in the CYO program strive to exemplify attitudes and behaviors of a committed Christian adult.
All adult volunteers to the CYO program must complete a Creating a Safe Environment (C.A.S.E.) training and have background checks completed if they wish to volunteer in our program.
St. Charles CYO Program is grateful for the financial support of it's Corporate Sponsors

For more information visit the
Official Diocese of Rochester
CYO page below!