Sacramental Prep
Sacraments are joyous celebrations of your child’s deepening relationship with Jesus!
For preparation of Sacraments:
Children prepare and receive sacraments at their home parish where their family is registered and attend Mass.
Weekly Mass attendance in-person or on-line is an essential and spiritual part of your family’s faith journey!
Children need to be enrolled in either a Catholic School or be enrolled in St. Charles Home-based Religious Education or another Faith Formation program.
Children do not prepare for the Sacraments in their Catholic School classroom or in Religious Education.
Textbooks, activities, and resources for children to complete with parents, guardians, or sponsors.
Parents/guardians are to be active participants in teaching and preparing a child for reception of a Sacrament.
Children 2nd grade or older may be ready to prepare for:
- First Penance (also known as First Reconciliation)
- First Eucharist (also known as First Communion)
* Preparation for First Penance must be completed before preparing for First Eucharist.
Students 8th grade or older may be ready to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation:
This is the beginning of a 2-year process, with immediate preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation taking place in the spring of the 2nd year.
Formation continues throughout the two-years by attending religion classes at Catholic School or being enrolled in St. Charles Summer Camp or At-Home Religious Education.
If your child is interested in preparing for sacraments, please complete and return the registration form or email amanuel.malik@dor.org or call 663-8000 (Press 3) for more information.
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First Reconciliation (First Penance)
Reconciliation is a sacrament that celebrates the presence of God in those areas of our life that need forgiveness and healing. Click HERE for the First Reconciliation Registration form for 2022-2023.
Attendance at two parent/guardian and child sessions - TBD
Completion Reconciliation workbook
Send completed registration form by mail:
St. Charles Faith Formation
3003 Dewey Ave
Rochester, NY 14616
By email: amanuel.malik@dor.org or call (585) 663-8000 if you have questions.
First Eucharist (First Communion)
We are nourished in the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Christian life. Click HERE for the First Eucharist registration form for 2022-2023.
Attendance at 3 parent/guardian and child sessions - TBD
Completion of workbook
Send completed registration form by mail:
St. Charles Faith Formation
3003 Dewey Ave
Rochester, NY 14616
By email: amanuel.malik@dor.org or call (585) 663-8000 if you have questions.
Confirmation enriches the soul of the person with deep graces of the Holy Spirit! Confirmation is the sacrament that calls us to witness courageously the gift of faith by word and, especially, by our example. Click HERE for the Confirmation registration form.
Confirmation Meetings: TBD
Send completed registration form by mail:
St. Charles Faith Formation
3003 Dewey Ave
Rochester, NY 14616
By email: amanuel.malik@dor.org or call (585) 663-8000 if you have questions.
Adult Confirmation
Contact the parish office (585) 663-3230.