Message from Father John Firpo…..
On Friday, April 16, 2021, St. Charles Borromeo Parish learned that an individual who attends daily Mass tested positive for COVID-19. The person is not hospitalized, but is showing symptoms of the virus, and is isolated at home. The individual follows our protocols of wearing a mask/face covering and practicing social distancing.
St. Charles Borromeo remains absolutely committed to following the precautions put in place in accord with federal, state, and local protocols to ensure safety:
All who enter the Church must wear a mask the entire time they are in the building;
Hand sanitizer is readily available and strongly encouraged when entering;
A distance of six feet is maintained between parishioners, unless they are of the same household;
Access to the Church is maintained through specifically identified doors;
The Church is completely sanitized after each Mass.
Registration for Daily and Weekend Masses is a necessity.
The St. Charles Borromeo staff, and your fellow parishioners, thank you for your full cooperation with these procedures. Be assured that the St. Charles Borromeo staff will continue to monitor the Coronavirus pandemic in our community, as well as continue to follow the necessary procedures for health and safety. We will keep you informed of any changes or developments as needed.
If you are concerned about your own health or exposure to the virus, please contact your primary care provider. Also, we ask that if you do not feel well, please stay home to better protect yourself and others that you may come in contact with.